
It will not be news to anyone that Maidstone Borough is suffering major problems in many areas of the Borough with failing water supply infrastructure, inadequate sewage disposal, collapsing drains and sewers, and grossly polluted watercourses. Whilst the Liberal Democrats do not control Maidstone Council, we are using every lever we have at our disposal to address this issue, including supporting a water-cycle policy motion to the Full council meeting of 20th July and successfully proposing a more technical motion at Planning Committee on 21st July.
The Council's new Overview and Scrutiny Committee, chaired by Liberal Democrat Leader Clive English, has taken the issue of water supply and disposal to the top of the political agenda by proposing it as one of its main areas of inquiry this financial year and is aiming to use this very public process to make some much needed progress on infrastructure investment and cleaning up our rivers. Cllr. Clive English stated: "Recent water pipe leaks, supply disruption and destructive pollution incidents have shown once again that our water utilities and their regulation are in need of urgent reform."