Lib Dems fight to save Tovil Tip

The curse of fly-tipping in South Maidstone is about to explode, with the Household Waste facility in Tovil facing the axe along with three other Kent facilities, as Tories at KCC prepare to pull £1.5m from household waste centres over the next two years.
Councillors will vote on a paper being brought to KCC's Environment and Transport Committee next week which provides three options. The first two options see the closure of the Tovil facility, and the last will see the facility reduced to opening just 2 days per week.
Cllr Brian Clark, South Ward, commented, “Maidstone Conservatives clearly have little concern for increased flytipping in South Maidstone given this harmful proposal. With congestion at chronic levels in town, South Maidstone residents will be faced with a miserable drive through the congested town centre to the other side of Allington”
Cllr Paul Wilby followed, “Conservatives are so out of touch with local residents that they have put forward a plan for closing this facility at a time that they are significantly ramping up house building, leaving all South Maidstone residents without a waste facility. I urge residents to sign our petition to stop this harmful plan”
Link to Petition: