Hildenborough Crescent Sink hole

The reappearance of this sink hole in July has led to both the closure of the road and the significant concern of residents that it could get larger if not addressed.
Cllr Cynthia Robertson (Allington) supported by her KCC colleagues Cllrs Ian Chittenden and Chris Passmore met with KCC engineers as well as pressed KCC officers to achieve an early resolution to the legal discussions between KCC and South East Water as to who is responsible for the ‘void’.
Local residents were kept updated to the situation with the distribution of a Street Letter dated 12 August.
This pressure was ultimately successful with KCC officers agreeing to commence the repair of the collapse on 29 August.
Cllr Cynthia Robertson comments:
“It is not acceptable for KCC and South East Water to continue to argue indefinitely over who is responsible for the sink hole whilst local residents and businesses are at risk from no practical action being taken. We are delighted that KCC will now begin to properly repair this sink hole so that it will not reoccur.”