Mill Pond in Palace Avenue Receives Spring Clean
Fifteen refuse sacks of litter were retrieved from the Rootes Mill Pond in Palace Avenue on Saturday afternoon.
Fifteen refuse sacks of litter were retrieved from the Rootes Mill Pond in Palace Avenue on Saturday afternoon.
Despite determined cross-party opposition from councillors, including the Liberal Democrat Group (supported by many local residents), Maidstone Borough Council voted to adopt their controversial Local Plan Review document
Inadequate parking provision is a problem across Maidstone town with little planning committee members can do. Cllr. Clive English calls for this to change.
January saw the continuation of preparing for the 24/25 budget focusing primarily on the Capital Programme from the proposed Medium Term Financial Strategy.
Local Lib Dem health and environment campaigner Councillor Tony Harwood has welcomed the Government's announcement that disposable vapes are to be banned.
Once again calls to take action are ignored by the current Conservative administration.